Shower Bomb - Peppermint

Shower Bomb - Peppermint

Regular price $6.00

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Peppermint - 100% natural Peppermint essential oil is known to alleviate headaches & migraines as well as help the mind to focus

Step-up your shower by creating an aromatherapy steam shower that is helpful to relieve allergy symptoms. A Shower Bomb releases essential oils into the air to mix with the steam from the shower & create a spa-like environment for your enjoyment.

How to Use: We recommend cutting your Aller-Ease Shower Bomb into 4 pieces as you should get 4 great aromatherapy showers per shower bomb! Set your piece of shower bomb in a dry area of your shower such as a ledge or shelf. Sprinkle some water on it to activate it (but try not to let it get too wet from the shower itself... the drier it stays, the longer it lasts!) 

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